Today I share with you this beautiful guided meditation with the angels.

It will help you clear & balance your energy as well as provide you an opportunity to connect with your angels & guides. The meditation is about 17 minutes in length and includes a five minute segment for you to write a message from your angels (so you may want to have pen & paper handy).

This meditation was recorded during one of my classes  yesterday. Several of us had been feeling unsettled & anxious. Perhaps you had been feeling it, too. The more sensitive to energy we become, the more open we become to the subtle influences of global energy. This isn’t a bad thing — it’s just different. As we move through our ascension process, it is good to have tools in  our spiritual toolbox to help us ground and balance.

It seems that more and more I have been feeling energetic static and it causes me to feel off kilter. I have gotten pretty good at recognizing when this is happening and I find that connecting with Divine Source is the best way to recalibrate so that I can move into balance. Sitting in this Presence allows me to take a deep breath and reconnect with grace and love.

Today’s meditation will help you do just that. When I did the meditation, I received this beautiful message from the angels. It was in response to my heartfelt inquiry about a choice I needed to make. I’d been doing mental gymnastics trying to weight my options and make the “right” choice.  As soon as this message came through, my path became clear. I had been struggling with my logical mind and my soul’s longing. Sometimes they are not in agreement. My logical mind wants to play it safe — however my soul often encourages leaps of faith.

Be open to receiving guidance from your angels & guides today, too. Sometimes a few minutes of meditation will bring clarity that hours of mental rumination cannot begin to achieve.

Here’s the angel message I received:

[blockquote align=”center”]Make alive choices. Make choices that evoke beauty and joy. Do not subdue your experience of life in response to fear. Your dreams are not delivered in this way. Your dreams come cloaked in leaps of faith, by saying “yes” and by following the wisdom of your heart. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by the fear and doubt of your ego nature. Make choices that allow you to blossom and thrive. The world is a big place and there is plenty of room for you to roam.[/blockquote]

…and here is the guided meditation with the angels

(click below to stream the audio)

(background music by Kevin MacLeod)