Here is a journal entry from a while back that I came across today. It is a sweet reminder that each day brings with it the freedom of choice. We need not be bound by yesterday’s dreams.  They were made by an incarnation of us that has may no longer exist. For each day is ripe with rebirth… so allow your dreams from today to come flooding into the world. Do not hold back in fear.  They may bear little resemblance to what you dreamed of yesterday, let this be OK. You are being activated, asked to step forward in a brilliant expression of you. Allow yourself to Be. For you are beautiful beyond measure.

Behold I Make All Things New

And with that I am free, and I am released into the endless possibilities of a new day. The relief is tangible. For I am no longer bound by dreams untangled by yesterday’s incarnation of me. The fears and desires of yesterday do not have to be packed up and moved into today.

And so, I am born anew. Each day an opportunity to take inventory to see what fits today. Going to sleep each night with the intention to release all that no longer serves my highest good.

Free from the past, not yet married to the future. Yesterday’s dreams willingly put to rest of they no longer resonate. Allowing simple tears if grief is present at the dream’s departure.

But with the heart of a child, I awake each morning bathed in the possibility of the newness of each day. Shifting gracefully to Spirit’s directions. Available as the wind to move where I am called.

To fully live in God’s dream of me. In all of its juicy joyful splendor~!