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The message we posted on our Facebook page over the weekend about not giving up too soon really seemed to have touched a chord. Sometimes being in the “gap of creation” is the hardest part. We can feel our new life calling to us, but we’re still in that wide open expanse of a promise that has yet to be delivered.

There have been times on my journey with Illuminating Souls that I’ve been disappointed and I didn’t know if the clients would come. Sometimes I would get so frustrated I would shake my fist and say to God, “If people don’t come, I’m going to get a JOB!”  But then I’d scroll through Craigslist and see the dearth of jobs in our area, not to mention that none of them were as appealing as talking with the angels, and then I’d take a deep breathe and dive back in.

There will be times in your creation when it feels like you hit wall after wall. You vision something spectacular like a workshop for 50 people and then three people show up. Just keep showing up, friends. Allow yourself to learn and continue to grow. Your job is to be you. Don’t water down your message or hide from your truth. Show up and shine your light. Allow your creative genius to pour through your fingertips. Your “mistakes” may actually be detours that lead you to amazing things!

Believe in your ability to create the life you desire. You are resilient. You are an ever evolving being and the world is stretching to accommodate the dreams that are in your heart.

Ten years ago when I had the vision of creating a business that would reach thousands of people, I had no idea how that would happen. But I kept following the breadcrumbs not knowing that social media would be birthed and it would make it graceful for me to connect with people from around the world.

You just can’t know how God will deliver your dreams to you. Just keep showing up, being you. Believe in yourself. And believe that the world is changing to make room for your dreams. We love you!

Angel Message: Don’t Give Up:

Don’t give up. Your life and your dreams are too precious. Some creations take much longer than you want them to. But as you hold your intentions high, you allow for the molecules of the Universe to rearrange to accommodate the new dreams that are in your heart. They may not look quite like you think they will, but one day, they will arrive. Your job is to keep being you. To surround yourself with loving & kind people who will cheer you on, especially when you feel like you might not make it on your own. Your job is to keep the voices in your head, cheering you on, too. Don’t let the shadow seduce you. You are vibrant and more amazing than you know, and one day you will find yourself in a brighter expression of your life. In the meanwhile, we are here cheering you on and reminding you of who you have come here to be. We love you.