Channeling ClassWhat is channeling?

Channeling is the process of making sacred connection with Higher Guides & your Higher Self to receive guidance, attunements, healing and loving. Perhaps channeled messages have already found their way to you through teachers like Abraham-Hicks, Neale Donald Walsch and Doreen Virtue.

There are several forms of channeling. Two of the most popular are direct-voice channeling and written channeling:

Direct Voice Channeling: In this form of channeling, the Higher Guides blend their energies with the person who is channeling and speak through the channels consciousness. The Guides always take great care. It is a loving & sacred process. Examples of this include Esther Hicks & Abraham and Jane Roberts & Seth.

Written Channeling: Have you ever written a message from your angels? This is a form of written channeling. This is often one of the easiest methods of channeling. Simply sit with a piece of paper & a writing implement. Ask your angels to provide you a message of loving. Go into the quiet and set your intention to attune to the most loving voice you can imagine. Begin writing what the loving voice says. It may feel like you’re making it up. You’re not. You’re learning to discern the vibrations of information available to you. The loving messages of angels are always being broadcast. All you need to is learn to awaken to them.

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In our upcoming six-week class, we’re going to teach you the art of direct-voice channeling.

During the process of direct-voice channeling, you will learn to make an intentional connection with your angels & guides and allow them to speak through you using your voice, intellect and physical presence. It’s an incredible experience and is similar to what Esther Hicks does with Abraham.


Each of us has the ability to channel messages of light. This means you! It is a time of great awakening for Lightworkers. The opportunity exists to begin connecting with your own Divine Team in a tangible and meaningful way that honors your unique path.

You have a direct conduit to your Divine Team (including God, the Angels, Guides & our Higher Self). In most instances our connection with our Divine Team remains subtle. We may receive slight nudges, insightful dreams or nuanced guidance.

This is the way it is designed unless we ask otherwise. You see, this is your journey. You travel in this world with the choice of independence. You can remain as connected or disengaged from your Divine Team as you wish.

Most of us have never really been taught how to deepen the connection with our “God” channel. We’ve been taught how to pray, how to honor long-standing traditions of ritual & observance. But to really awaken to direct connection to the Divine has at times been perceived as blasphemous or dangerous.

But we now live in a new day. Powerful spiritual teachers such as Jerry & Esther Hicks, Neale Donald Walsch, Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer are bringing an awareness to the opportunities available to us when we awaken to our own unique Divine Connection.

Our 6-Week Channeling Class:

If you’re interested in learning more about Channeling, please consider joining us for our six-week introductory class. It is loving, supportive and light-filled.

During this class you will learn how to connect with your Higher Guides & Angels and invite them to have a closer connection with you. It is a very sacred process and the Higher Guides take great care in helping the channel evolve to accommodate the higher frequencies & guidance.

I will be co-facilitating this class with Josephus & the Wisdom Council, a group of joyful loving Guides that I channel. J&TWC help facilitate the process of learning to channel. You will receive personalized coaching from J&TWC during each class to assist you in attuning to your own group of Guides. J&TWC have helped many open to their gifts as channels. .

We will be meeting on Monday evenings from 5 pm to 6:30 am PST (we may expand the class to two hours depending upon the size of the class). The class will take place via conference call.

Benefits from Participating in the Channeling Class :

  • Opening to Direct communication from Higher Guides and Angels
  • Greater connection with your Authentic Self
  • Experiencing your gifts growing week-to-week
  • Energetic attunements in service to ascension
  • Ongoing discovery of your Mystical Gifts
  • Meeting other Lightworkers in a supportive and vibrant environment

If you’re excited by the idea of receiving direct messages of Higher Wisdom, please consider joining us for this high vibration class! It will provide a terrific opportunity to connect more deeply with your guides and create the space for your own channeling gifts to emerge.

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New Class begins Monday April 8th!

Monday Evening Teleclass (6-week class)

Class Dates: Mondays, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6 and 5/13
Time: 5 pm to 6:30 pm PT
Call in Number: to be provided
Cost: $325
Email to Register

Payment: Check via mail or Credit Card via Paypal (expedited registration & payment available using the Paypal button below).
