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Here’s the thing… there will be voices in your head telling you to give up.

Telling you it’s too hard,

or you’re not smart enough,

that you’re too old,

that you don’t have enough money.

Warning you that you’d be foolish to even try.

The voices will tell you that you will never be truly loved

or appreciated

and this is as good as it gets.

The voices will tell you that you’re broken and wounded beyond repair

and no one will ever, ever get you.

Because is they knew the real you, they would run in the other direction.

Here’s the thing, though. Those voices are wrong.

You, sweet soul, are made of Divine Light. Miracles are possible through your life. You are a beloved child of the Universe and you have a chorus of angels here to assist you.
Shine On. It is why you are here.

Trust me, we all have those voices. They rise up when we are scared and life asks us to move beyond this moment. When the voices start yelling out their sad stories, shower them with love. They are simply aspects of you that don’t yet know how to find their way out of the darkness. Love them. See them with compassion. And call on your angels and your Wise Self to help shift the stories you’ve been telling about your life so that you may experience a brighter tomorrow.

You are loved. You are celebrated. You are a blessing and we love you.