To Leave the World a Better Place

To Leave the World a Better Place

When I was in my late teens, I came across a greeting card that had this quote on it. It is often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, but it is not clear who the author is. To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;...

Archangels and Angels

[framed_box bgColor=”#F8E4FF”] Today we’re featuring an article from our guest author, Janice Olson, Angel Therapy Practitioner® & Spiritual Counselor. [/framed_box] What is the difference between Archangels and angels? Both are angels of course,...

The Deepening

This morning I heard the words, “We are reaching the deepening.”  This refers to the deepening of our immersion in the transformational ascension energies of this passage. This morning when I awoke at 6 am, I was still so deeply tired. I mentioned to my...

Precipice of Change

Beautiful Friends, we are all in the midst of transformation. We are moving through this on a personal and societal level. And sometimes, it’s not easy… The events of the past few days have been so hard to navigate. I’m not sure I even have words yet...