To Leave the World a Better Place

To Leave the World a Better Place

When I was in my late teens, I came across a greeting card that had this quote on it. It is often attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson, but it is not clear who the author is. To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;...

Archangels and Angels

[framed_box bgColor=”#F8E4FF”] Today we’re featuring an article from our guest author, Janice Olson, Angel Therapy Practitioner® & Spiritual Counselor. [/framed_box] What is the difference between Archangels and angels? Both are angels of course,...

The Deepening

This morning I heard the words, “We are reaching the deepening.”  This refers to the deepening of our immersion in the transformational ascension energies of this passage. This morning when I awoke at 6 am, I was still so deeply tired. I mentioned to my...

Precipice of Change

Beautiful Friends, we are all in the midst of transformation. We are moving through this on a personal and societal level. And sometimes, it’s not easy… The events of the past few days have been so hard to navigate. I’m not sure I even have words yet...

Can Angels Help Skeptics?

Can Angels Help Skeptics? This question was once posed by someone on our Facebook page. The easy answer is “yes.” But it is deserving of some back story. Would it surprise you to know that I was once a total card-carrying skeptic? As of 1987, I...
Navigating the Stillness

Navigating the Stillness

Life comes in waves. Sometimes it comes in big wooshing movements and sometimes it comes in the quiet stillness. One of my teachers says, “There is a difference between inertia and incubation.” Sometimes when I am in the stillness, it feels like inertia,...

Mercury Retrograde Survivial Guide

Tomorrow Mercury goes retrograde until November 26th. [cue collective sigh…] I’m sometimes hesitant to write about Mercury Retrograde because it’s steeped in so much dogma and it can bring up reluctance and a bit of fear for people. So I’ll...