Do you long for a deeper connection with your angels?

Do you love the idea of having your own personal connection to your angelic team?

Your angels are with you.

They love + support you.

Angelic connections are not just for super-psychic people.

They are here for everyone, including you.

Angels are divine messengers of God. They embody unconditional love and they are a part of your innate divine support team. The relationship is subtle. So subtle, most people don’t know it exists. However, you have the ability to open the portal to a loving, supportive and communicative relationship with your angels!

In this 4-week teleclass, you will learn methods for connecting with your angels, strengthen your divine intuition, awaken to your innate magic and light and attune to the wellspring of loving guidance available to you.

The intention for this class is to EMPOWER you in your own divine connections.

As much as I love facilitating angel readings, my absolute favorite thing is to help you build your own angelic relationship. In this way, you get to take the angels home with you!

You will receive:

  • LIVE weekly calls with Laurel + the angels
  • Recordings of all calls

Please consider this class if you would like to:

  • Develop an intimate and reliable connection with your angels.
  • Learn to trust your knowingness and intuition, especially when connecting with the divine.
  • Open to the profound love, support and guidance available to you.
  • Grow your confidence in receiving messages from the angels.
  • Blossom open to the wisdom of your soul in service to  greater peace, light and grace.

Begins Thursday, June 7th, 2018

  Mondays: 6/7, 6/14, 6/21 and 6/28
Time: 9 am to 10 am PT

*All calls will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class: $144



Laurel specializes in helping people connect to their divine team of angels and guides, and to the infinite love and support available to them as they step boldly onto their authentic paths. After years working as a successful executive in the entertainment industry, Laurel switched gears entirely, honoring her mystical and intuitive gifts by offering classes, angel readings, channeling and spiritual mentoring.  Today, her Illuminating Souls Facebook page provides daily inspiration to over 270,000 followers. Laurel holds a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica.