bringing healing, love & blessings into your physical form

Begins Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

Dates: Wednesday, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14, 6/21 and 6/28

Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)

Class + Angel Session: $388

Class Only: $297

Hi Beautiful Soul,

Do you sometimes find it confusing to have a body?

I know… it’s an odd question, especially because having a body is a requirement for this incarnation.

Yet, for many of us who are light-bearers and empaths, creating a loving connection with our physical bodies isn’t always easy.

The angels bring forth this gentle reminder:

Your body is a sacred vessel, a temple for your soul’s incarnation. It is filled with wisdom and is your teacher on this earthly journey. Together, with the help of the angels, we will build a bridge of light and love between you and your body.

Often, classes about our bodies focus on “fixing” or changing our bodies. Not in this class. Instead, guided by the angels, we are going to meet our bodies with love and build a bridge between body and soul.

Beautiful Soul… Meet Your Body.

This body you are inhabiting is filled with amazing gifts, wisdom and strength for you.

Together we will gather in the healing light and create space for your relationship to your body to blossom into the brightness of new possibilities and infusions of love.

The angels and I have lots of insight and goodness to share with you. Together we are going to find ways to rejoice in these bodies of ours!

This is what we’ll be doing in Blessed Embodiment.

I look forward to sharing this with you!

With Love,


Your body is a vessel for your soul’s incarnation.

Your body is your temple. It is your teacher.

Your body is filled with wisdom for you.

The angels will be helping you built a bridge of loving + light between you and your body.

This 6-week program will be filled the angels, healing, divine guidance and more!

Our circle will be filled with love, light and deep compassion.

Here are some of the ways you will receive support in our healing circle:

Angelic Support: Each week you will participate in a healing and attunement from Josephus and the angels. The angels will be cultivating a healing circle where you will be receiving love and opening to new dimensions of inner wisdom.

Conversing with Your Body’s Wisdom:  Your body loves you! Every day it beats your heart, digests your food, allows you to smile with kindness. Your body has much wisdom to share with you. You will be encouraged to open a positive-focused dialogue with your one and only body. It has a lot of goodness to share with you!

Updating Your Narrative: You will be invited to divine a new story about you and your body. This will include applying forgiveness where needed, releasing old beliefs, patterns, shame and judgment. The angels will help you connect with the inherent wisdom and grace that is the truth of Your Body!

Engaging with Positive Body Experiences: You will be encouraged to explore what helps you feel positive in your body in ways. Is it an aromatherapy bath? A hot-stone massage. Witnessing a glorious sunset? Dancing in your living room? The joy of clean sheet day, anyone?

… and more!

The essential component of our time together is you will be spending six weeks in an intentional light-filled circle with the angels with the focus being on you, your body and your well-being. Our prayer is that you will feel a lightening in your Spirit and your relationship with your physical vessel.  

You will receive:

  • 6 weekly group Zoom gatherings with Laurel + the angels
  • Inspirational emails throughout the week
  • Recordings of classes


  • Meet weekly with a loving and supportive group
  • Receive unique insight from Josephus + the angels about your body and how to care for it in the modern world.
  • Deepen your knowingness of your body’s wisdom.
  • Anchor in your intentions for well-being and self-care.


bringing healing, love & blessings into your physical form

Class + Angel Session: $388

Class Only: $297

Begins Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

Dates: Wednesday, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14, 6/21 and 6/28

Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)


I have one of the coolest jobs in the world. I talk to angels and they talk back! My great joy is in helping YOU to connect with your divine guidance, gifts and light.

In 2006 I left the corporate world to launch Illuminating Souls and I’ve been facilitating sessions, classes and mentoring ever since.

I hold a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica, I am a certified angelic practitioner and now I am a certified Infinite Potentials Trainer, too!

It’s truly a blessing to support you!