Dates for Live Calls: Tuesdays 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14 and 6/21

Time: 10 am PT (1 pm ET, 12 pm CT)*

*All meetings will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Angel Session: $388

Class Only: $297

Hello Beautiful Soul-

This week we have just wrapped up an extraordinary 6-week class, The Power of Your Voice.

This class was launched at the behest of the angels. While they downloaded the vibration and subject matter, I didn’t really know how the class would flow because I had not yet taught this material.

What transpired was miraculous! Truly.

Each week, our group deepened in love for self, love for each other and the ripple of love continued beyond the bounds of our group.

This class was too special to just wrap up. We could feel the flow inviting us to continue.

And so, I bring you its sequel, The Blessings of Your Voice

And YES you can join if you were not part of the first class.

In the coming class, we will be exploring new themes and prompts designed to help bring forth your authentic voice, wisdom and loving essence.

As I said before,

You don’t have to be the loudest voice in the room.

You don’t have to have all the answers.

You don’t have to have a huge social media following.

This class is going to help activate the Bright Light that is YOU!

You have stories to tell, wisdom to share, love to ripple into the world.

You have a voice to share.

You have gifts to bring into this world.

And the angels and I are bringing forth this 6-week program to help unleash the divine wisdom and light that dwells within you.

Together we’ll explore the power of your stories, the art of cultivating intimacy and community and the magic of Just Showing Up as You.

This is your invitation to awaken to even more of Who You Are. The angels are supporting you.

I hope you will join us!

With Love,


Themes Include:


Storytelling for Light-Bearers

  • You have stories to tell, experiences to share. This week we will help you connect the dots and call forth snippets of your heart and life in service to illuminating the path for yourself and others


The Power of “Just Show Up”

  • Have you ever felt a room shift because of your presence? Have you found your way into moments of serendipity simply by making yourself available to the randomness of life? You bring your loving essence and magic wherever you go. This week we are going to be exploring what happens when YOU just show up.


The Tapestry of Your Life

  • Your life is a holy journey. This week you will be supported as you string together pearls of insight, experience and heartfelt loving as you discover more about your authentic path and voice.


The Intimacy of Sacred Spaces

  • For your voice to be powerful, you need not reach thousands of people. Some of the most profound experiences are found in sacred intimate spaces. Co-creating sacred intimacy invites others to meet you in spaces of the heart. This week we will explore this theme and how it shows up within and around you.


The Art of Encouragement

  • Do you find joy in helping others to shine? This week we will be exploring various ways you can use your voice to encourage others (and yourself, too!). Just so you know, it’s not just about your words… it’s about your heart energy and light that flow through, too!

Invitations of Light

  • What is whispering to you? What is calling to your heart? There are countless avenues for you to share your voice, but not all of them will resonate for you. This week we will explore the invitations of light that are calling to you as well as how you can bring forth invitations that will help other blossom open, too!

Program Includes

  • 6 weekly Zoom classes with Laurel and the angels.
  • Infusions of wisdom, guided meditations and attunements from Josephus & the Wisdom Council (a group of angels & guides channeled by Laurel)
  • Recordings of all classes.
  • [Optional] Enhance your experience of the class with a private Angel reading/mentoring session with Laurel.

Registration Information:

Dates for Live Calls: Tuesdays 5/17, 5/24, 5/31, 6/7, 6/14 and 6/21

Time: 10 am PT (1 pm ET, 12 pm CT)*

*All meetings will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Angel Session: $388

Class Only: $297


I have one of the coolest jobs in the world. I talk to angels and they talk back! My great joy is in helping YOU to connect with your divine guidance, gifts and light. In this class I’m going to be sharing with you grounded and mystical ways to bring more of your authentic voice into the world. Because I believe with all my heart that you have light to share.