Registration Information:

Dates for Zoom Gatherings: Mondays 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27 and 6/3

Time: 10 am PT (1 pm ET, 12 pm CT)*

*All meetings will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Angel Session: $388

Class Only: $297

Hello Sweet Soul,

I am excited to announce the newest installment in my series of small-group coaching + mentoring for soul-inspired entrepreneurs: Nourishing the Soul of Your Business.

As a soul-inspired business owner, you bring light, love, and nurturing to others. However, it can be challenging to maintain your energy and stay inspired as a solo-entrepreneur. That’s where this class comes in. It will provide a sacred space for you to deepen in your intuition, inspiration, and divine strategies for your soul-inspired business.

Recognizing where we are on our path as practitioners and business owners is important.

That’s why I want to help you attune to:

    • Where you are right now?
    • What is calling to you?
    • What inspires you?
    • What parts of your business light you up?
    • What is zapping your energy?

And, this class will help you connect you to the Divine Wisdom or the Soul of Your Business, so you can attune to the beautiful support and insight flowing through for you.

What You Will Learn:

    • Ways to deepen your connection and understanding of the unique vibrational blueprint of the Soul of YOUR business.
    • Methods for co-creating with the angels and your divine team.
    • The power of discerning between intellectual wisdom and divine guidance.
    • How to nurture yourself when you are in the midst of transformation and growth.

This 6-week journey includes six weekly live group Zoom meetings, email support, and a sacred space for you to deepen in your intuition and divine strategies.

You’ll be guided by angels, enjoy meditations, receive practical guidance, and so much more.

As practitioners and business owners, it’s important to recognize where you are on your path. Nurturing the Soul of Your Business offers you a supportive and inspiring environment to connect with your soul, tap into your divine wisdom, and cultivate a sense of well-being for both you and your business.

So, let’s invoke lightness of Spirit, blessings, and playfulness as we nurture the soul of your business!

I look forward to sharing this class with you!

With Light and Love,


Program Includes

  • 6 weekly Zoom classes with Laurel designed to inspire your heart and deepen in your connection with the soul of your business.
  • Infusions of wisdom, guided meditations and attunements from Josephus & the Wisdom Council (a group of angels & guides channeled by Laurel)
  • Recordings of all classes.
  • [Optional] Enhance your experience of the class with a private Angel reading/mentoring session with Laurel. You can use your time to clarify your business objectives, received channeled guidance or connect with inspiration for moving forward on your path.

Themes Include:


Connecting with the Soul of Your Business

  • This is always where we begin. We return to this divine connection and open to the flow of love, wisdom and guidance that is available to you as you connect with the divine wise entity that is the Soul of YOUR Business. There is a wellspring of support and light available to you. This unique process will get you out of your head and into your heart and soul.

What is Inviting You Forward?

  • You are being Divinely Inspired. The Soul of Your Business is collaborating with you. This week we will explore the various ways you are being invited into waves of growth, expansion, new adventures and so much more in service to bringing even more vitality and well-being to your soul-inspired business.

Co-Creating with the Soul of Your Business

  • You are in sacred collaboration with the Soul of Your Business. Therefore, where you are right now, how you are feeling, etc. matters greatly. This week we will explore ways to call in more Divine Grace and Ease when it comes to co-creating with the Soul of Your Business.

Updating Your Toolbox

  • As a solo-entrepreneur your time and energy are precious. This week we will explore some of the tools available to help make your life easier. For example, have you tried out ChatGPT yet to help you write copy? Have you found your way to the magic of WordSwag to create beautiful graphics for social media? This week is about exploring what’s new and available to you.

Your Public Presence

  • Having a soul-inspired business often means you are stepping forward in leadership. You will have greater visibility. In this segment we will explore themes such as Public vs. Private You, your authentic voice, storytelling and how you are guided to show up in the world.

Divine + Earthly Support

  • You have a team of angels and guides who love and support you. They are helping you find your way and loving you through every moment of your life including in  your business! We’re going to help you deepen in your soulful connection with the mystical guidance that is here for you.


    • Deepen your connection to the Soul of Your Business and tap into its guidance and wisdom.
    • Receive support and encouragement as you navigate the unique challenges of running a soul-inspired business.
    • Recharge your batteries and gain new perspectives through community and connection with like-minded entrepreneurs.
    • Expand your understanding of your soul-inspired business and the role it plays in your life and the world.
    • Create lasting positive change in your business and life through divine inspiration and guidance.

    Registration Information:

    Dates for Live Calls: Mondays 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, and 3/20

    Time: 4 pm PT (7 pm ET, 6 pm CT)*


    *All meetings will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

    Class + Angel Session: $388

    Class Only: $297


    Laurel specializes in helping people connect to their divine team of angels and guides, and to the infinite love and support available to them as they step boldly onto their authentic paths. After years working as a successful executive in the entertainment industry, Laurel switched gears entirely, honoring her mystical and intuitive gifts by offering classes, angel readings, channeling and spiritual mentoring.  Today, her Illuminating Souls Facebook page provides daily inspiration to over 340,000 followers. Laurel holds a Master’s in Spiritual Psychology with an Emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing from the University of Santa Monica. She also has certification and training in angelic communication.