Begins July 24th, 2023

Dates: Monday, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21 and 8/28

Time: Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)*

*All classes will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Session: $388

Class Only: $297

Hello Beautiful Souls!

With a joyful heart, I extend to you a heartfelt invitation to embark on a wondrous journey into the realms of enchantment and magic.

Are you craving more time dancing with magic, embracing the lightness of Spirit, and connecting with ascended energies? When I asked the angels to help me craft a class infused with these qualities, The Path of Enchantment was born.

This six-week program is designed to bring you joy, inspiration, and a deep sense of love. It will ignite your connection to the mystical and awaken the magic that resides within you.

Whether you’re new to this mystical path or have been on this enchanting journey for quite a while, The Path of Enchantment is tailored to meet you exactly where you are. It is a stand-alone class that warmly embraces curious souls and seasoned seekers alike.

Building upon the success of my recent class, Your Mystical Magical Path, this program guides you through the ongoing themes of a Lightworker’s journey with a renewed sense of playfulness and authenticity.

Regardless of whether you’ve experienced a profound awakening or you’re feeling the gentle pull towards something greater, this program is here to support and nourish your divine essence.

Throughout the weeks, we will delve into the depths of angelic connections, embrace the whimsical world of fairies, tap into the ancient wisdom that flows through your very being, and ignite the wellspring of inspiration that resides within you.

Each week holds its own unique magic, featuring live group Zoom sessions, guided meditations, and heart-centered conversations. These experiences will deepen your understanding and rekindle your relationship with the realms of enchantment.

The Path of Enchantment is a sacred invitation to honor your innate gifts, follow the whispers of your intuition, and co-create a life filled with miracles and limitless possibilities.

Together, let’s venture into the realms of angels, fairies, ancient wisdom, and the well of inspiration. Let’s dance in the beauty of synchronicity and unlock the mysterious wonders that await us.

Are you ready to embrace your mystical magical path and awaken the enchantment within?

Join me on The Path of Enchantment, and together, let’s weave a tapestry of love, light, and magic that will illuminate your journey and transform your life.

No previous experience is required. Whether you’re a seasoned explorer of the mystical realms or just beginning to discover your own magic, this class is open to all who are drawn to the path of enchantment.

With Love and Enchantment


Dive into the Magical Realms: Embark on The Path of Enchantment

with Angels, Fairies and Ancient Wisdom, Oh, My!

Join us as we embark on a 6-week journey to discover, deepen and embrace your Divine Mystical Connections.

You are an enchanting soul, radiating love and light wherever you go.

Your presence is a gift that illuminates the world around you.

The Path of Enchantment is a sacred journey crafted to ignite your inner magic and nurture your divine essence.

You will be embraced with mentorship, love, and support.

Together, we will create sacred space for you to connect with the angelic realms, awaken even more fully to your divine self, and foster deep connections within your own magic and light.

As you embark on this enchanting path, the angels and I will be co-creating a beautiful tapestry of light for you to infuse your path with even more joy, light and goodness.

You will receive:

6 weekly group Zoom classes with Laurel

Recordings of calls

Topics Include:

Week One: Angelic Connections Amplified

  • Embark on a beautiful journey of connection as you deepen your bond with the angelic realms. Through guided meditation and heartfelt exploration, we’ll invite the angels into your life, nurturing a stronger connection and infusing your path with their loving presence and divine guidance.

Week Two: Exploring the Fairy Realm

  • Enter the enchanted realm of the fairies, where magic dances among the flowers and whimsy fills the air. If you feel an unexplained kinship with nature, a deep appreciation for animals, and a longing for unstructured play, you are likely attuned to the fairy realms. This week, we’ll invite you to embrace your own fairy essence as we explore the enchanting world of fairies.

Week Three: Nature’s Mystical Wisdom

  • Prepare to immerse yourself in the nurturing embrace of Mother Nature. As a soul deeply attuned to the natural world, you have a profound connection to the wisdom and energy that flows through every living thing. This week, we’ll delve into the magic of nature and explore ways to deepen your mystical connection with the earth’s abundant gifts.

Week Four: Connecting to Ancient Wisdom

  • Journey into the vast tapestry of time as we uncover the ancient wisdom that lies within you. You are a timeless being, carrying within you the echoes of ancient healing modalities, rituals, and divine connections. This week, we’ll open the treasure chest of your innate wisdom.

Week Five: The Well of Inspiration

  • Dive into the boundless well of inspiration that resides within you. Together, we’ll explore the depths of your creative essence and harness the power of inspiration as a catalyst for cultivating enchantment and infusing magic into every aspect of your life.

Week Six: The Mystery Box

  • Get ready for the grand finale of our mystical journey together! In this enchanting week, we invite you to embrace the mystery that unfolds within the realm of the unknown. The angels have intentionally kept the contents of our final week a secret, for it is in embracing the unknown that true magic often emerges.

Begins July 24th, 2023

Dates: Monday, 7/24, 7/31, 8/7, 8/14, 8/21 and 8/28

Time: Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)*

*All classes will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Session: $388

Class Only: $297



I specialize in helping people like you connect to your divine team of angels and guides, and to the infinite love and support available to you as you step boldly onto your authentic paths.

After years of working as a successful executive in the entertainment industry, in 2006 I switched gears entirely to devote myself full-time to Illuminating Souls. Since then I have had the blessing of working with thousands of people in helping them open to their own angelic connections. My offerings include classes, angel readings, channeling and spiritual mentoring. Today, my Illuminating Souls Facebook page provides daily inspiration to over 340,000 followers.

It’s truly a blessing to support you!