Summer Blessings

Begins June 5th, 2023

Begins June 5th, 2023

Dates: Monday, 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3 and 7/10

Time: Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)*

*All classes will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Session: $388

Class Only: $297

Hi Sweet Ones-

How would you like to join a sweet intimate circle of fellow light-bearers and deepen in your angelic connections, replenish and amplify your divine guidance?

Over the past few months, my Monday classes have blossomed into a cherished gathering place for kindreds of light like yourself.

Through the magic of Zoom, we come together every Monday at 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET), creating a sacred space infused with divine light.

Each gathering lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, ensuring we have ample time to delve into the wisdom of our souls and bask in the love of the angels.

We are starting a new cycle on June 5th and our theme is Summer Blessings.

The intention for the coming six weeks is to create a beautiful vibrant space where you can  refill your cup, feel the energies of grace and ease, ignite your spark and more.

Each week I bring forth spiritual wisdom, discussion and time with the angels (including channelings with Josephus).

It’s a lovely way to keep yourself plugged into the higher vibrations as you go about life.

I invite you to join us!

With Love,


Join us for an inspirational 6-week journey where you’ll discover have the opportunity to cultivate a lightness of Spirit, inspiration and joy.

Are you seeking support, inspiration and a deeper connection with the angels?

If so, I invite you to join Summer Blessings,  a light-filled place where you can connect with heart-centered community and receive inspiration, love and upliftment. And, as with all things from Illuminating Souls, there is angelic wisdom and light for you, too.

 Together we are going to surrender and cultivate a relationship with the delights of this time of year.

 The angels will be with us. Josephus + the Wisdom Council will be bringing forth teachings, guided meditations and attunements to help you bring more ease and grace into your life.

We’re going to let it be graceful and easy together.

You will receive:

6 weekly group Zoom classes with Laurel

Recordings of calls

Topics Include:

Week One: Cultivating Ease

  • You have permission to take a breath and let go. Are there areas of your life that feel hard right now? Are you navigating pockets of resistance? What if you took a detour around the challenges and found tributaries of grace and ease instead? The angels will be sharing more about this during our first week together.

Week Two: Increments of Delight

  • Sometimes, when we take time out for small moments of loveliness, it can shift our experience of the day. This week the angels will be asssisting you in creating “increments of delight” that will lift your Spirit and help you to feel more positively engaged in your life.

Week Three: The Joy of YOU

  • Are there aspects of yourself that you’ve tucked away over the years? Your Creative Spirit or Inner Wild Child maybe? This week the angels will help you explore some of your favorite parts of yourself… even if you have forgotten what they are… because the angels remember and they are here for you.

Week Four: The Power of Wandering

  • You have permission to not know where you’re going. Some of life’s greatest adventures happen when we start in the middle of somewhere and wander into the world just to see what we can find. This week the angels will help you activate your Inner Explorer and reconnect with the power of wandering.

Week Five: Nurturing Your Spark

  • How do you connect with your Spark? What awakens your zest for life? You don’t need to know right now. Instead, the angels are going to be leading you through a process to help you re-kindle your Bright Beautiful Light so you feel more ready to engage in the world in a way that light you up.

Week Six Permission to Play

  • One of the best ways to get back into the flow of divine co-creation is to invoke the concept of playfulness. Don’t we all need to spend some time with our inner wild child for a while? I know I do. This week we are going to be cultivating joy, creativity, joyful messiness and more. The angels will be bringing forth a special attunement to help you with this.

Begins June 5th, 2023

Dates: Monday, 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3 and 7/10

Time: Time: 10 am PT (12 pm CT/1 pm ET)*

*All classes will be recorded so if you cannot attend live, you can listen at your convenience.

Class + Session: $388

Class Only: $297



I specialize in helping people like you connect to your divine team of angels and guides, and to the infinite love and support available to you as you step boldly onto your authentic paths.

After years of working as a successful executive in the entertainment industry, in 2006 I switched gears entirely to devote myself full-time to Illuminating Souls. Since then I have had the blessing of working with thousands of people in helping them open to their own angelic connections. My offerings include classes, angel readings, channeling and spiritual mentoring. Today, my Illuminating Souls Facebook page provides daily inspiration to over 340,000 followers.

It’s truly a blessing to support you!