This week many are feeling ungrounded and fatigued. There is a major attunement happening in the earth realm right now. The ascension energy is strong. As a result you may be feeling symptoms similar to altitude “sickness” – you may be feeling tired, a bit unbalanced & unfocused. Allow yourself some time to acclimate to this new energetic climate.

You may find that some of your old material is being triggered. Especially around first chakra themes such as money and safety. Earlier this week I was on a call with a group of friends who are also practitioners. The prior weekend many of us felt extreme fatigue and experienced money fears rising to the surface.  Josephus explains that this is being caused by our grounding chords shifting to the higher plane. As a result our “survival” stories became activated. However this is temporary and by mid-July we’ll begin to feel more balanced, empowered and on-purpose.

The theme for navigating this energetic upgrade is to rest and ground yourself as much as possible. Grounding can be a tricky thing. Especially if you tend to ground by overeating, watching TV, playing video games and other forms of passive zoning out.  In this energetic climate, it is important to ground using tools that support your well-being and vitality. Here are some examples of how to take good care of yourself right now

5 Tips for Grounding During Ascension

Spend time in nature: Sitting under an old-growth tree, working in a garden, sitting on the grass and watching the clouds go by are all great examples of ways you can easily spend time in nature and help ground your energy.

Take a sea salt bath: Sea salt helps to clear energy and balance the chakras. Place some sea salt into your bath, set your intention to ground your energy and then allow yourself to soak in the tub for ten minutes or more. It’s a wonderful remedy for ungroundedness.

Eat dark leafy greens: Kale, spinach, chard and other greens contain minerals and vitamins that allow the body to better calibrate with the wisdom of Mother Earth.

Take short naps: You are acclimating to a higher vibration. Resting gives your body, mind and spirit the opportunity make the shifts necessary to optimize to the higher realms.

Journal: Writing is a wonderful way to connect with your experiences, your innate wisdom and to reflect upon your journey. As such it is a powerful tool in grounding your energy.

A Message from the Angels for You

[blockquote]There are times when unbeknown to you, you are moving through shifts and refocusing your intentions. The earth is going through huge changes right now and you are being prepared to better navigate the new energetic climate. These shifts will allow you to better focus and co-create in these higher dimensions. There is great work to be done upon the planet. Each of you is a precious point of light. You are at your most powerful when you are creating from a place of love and joy. It is important that you take good care of you. Especially right now. August will bring with it an huge upswing in your creativity and inspiration. Resting now, will allow you to be ready to receive the streams of divine guidance that are coming to you. This work is subtle and so you may not be aware this is taking place. But trust in the innate rhythm of this process and know that new opportunities and adventures are being made way for you.

Be well and know you are loved. [/blockquote]